Happy Friday Friends!
I had the pleasure of planning one of my dear friend's bridal shower this past weekend and let me tell you, FUN WAS HAD BY ALL... but mostly me, because I karaoke-d all night. #followedmyheart.
Keep reading for some fun details and a source breakdown at the end! Including a TWO FREE PRINTABLES.

The first thing I did was create a focal wall. This BIG GLITTERY backdrop was just the look I was going for. It served as a statement piece, a spot to sit in front of while opening gifts, and a PHOTOBOOTH. Complete with balloon diamond rings!
We hung air-filled "Miss to Mrs." balloons across the backdrop and draped two 5ft boxwood garlands around the edge.

Pretty Friends take Pretty Photos!

The vases are from the dollar store and I spray painted the lower half metallic gold. The "flower balls" were rented from Kosins and are meant for the tall tulip vases but they were perfect here! The organza table runners are in the color "strawberry ice". The candleholders were a hand-me-down!
To spray only half the vase: Place painters tape around the top half of your vase. PS: I did not measure each vase to make sure I was spray-painting EXACTLY the same amount on each one. No one has time for that. They were all SO SIMILAR and no one would ever notice. Wrap newspaper just above the end of the painter's tape and secure it with scotch tape while being sure to not go below the painter's tape line. Stuff the newspaper inside the vases to not get paint on the inside. Place them newspaper side down and spray paint to your heart's desire.
A big OL'welcome sign. Man I LOVE these. Its always nice being reminded that you're at the right party. AMIRIGHT?
I created this welcome sign using my all-time favorite, Canva. Sent it to Walgreens and had it printed in one hour! FUN FACT: My friends new husband is from Canada, and the font I used for her name was called "Calgary". HA! It's the small things....

I put it in one of my living room poster frames, #budget, but any poster frame would have worked great!


Donut walls are all over Pinterest as a fun way to display sweet treats at events. You can buy them on Etsy for about $80-$90, but being me: Why buy something when you can make it for more? WELL, not this time. I made this one for about $45. And now I have a donut wall in my basement to use whenever I feel like hanging my dessert. That's a WIN folks.

You can buy, quite possibly, the largest sheet of peg board EVER at Lowes for only 20 DOLL HAIRS. You know how much food you can hang up with all that? "Dinners ready kids."

The "DONUTS" sign was only $15 on ETSY and I secured it to the peg board using cut-up command strips.

These gold diamond cupcake picks were perfect for making the donuts look like diamond rings!

Bridal showers always need something fun to do and I'm not really into the typical party games but we did play a couple of fun ones and here's how they went:
Diamond Ring Game: I bought a bunch of faux diamond rings and previously asked her husband a bunch of questions. I asked her the same questions and if she got them right she got another diamond ring. The idea is to have all your fingers with multiple rings!
Disney "Love Quote" Game: My friend is a Disney fan and what better way to test everyone's knowledge of our favorite Disney movies than to pair love quotes with their movie. (FREE PRINTABLE BELOW!)
Date Night Idea Jar: Your guests give you date ideas for the nights you can't decide on what to do! (FREE PRINTABLE BELOW!)
Sparkly wedding faux tattoos! Those colorful favors are bath bombs!
We had so much and I wish nothing but the best for the newly married couple! CHEERS yall!

Rented from KOSINS:
Backdrop with champagne colored drapes
2 pieces of boxwood garland
White flower balls
Donut Sign -I got the 6"H x 12.8"W
Donuts are from Schulers
All food is from Sam's Club
FREE PRINTABLE DISNEY LOVE QUOTE GAME. (right-click and save to your computer, print as a 5x7 on stock paper.)

1. d
2. c
3. f
4. e
5. L
6. g
7. a.
8. i
9. j
10. h
11. k
12. b
FREE PRINTABLE DATE JAR IDEAS (right-click on the picture and save to your computer, print as a 5x7 or 8x10 on stock paper or send to Walgreens for photo printing!)
